In the first workshop we look at some of the key issues in report writing from the point of view of the reader. We focus on the structure and design of reports.
We identify some of the features which make reports accessible to readers on different levels. We look at the sections used in classic report writing and how these can be adapted for different purposes.
We also study some typical report writing situations using three sets of questions. These 'focus' questions help us to clarify the writing situation and plan reports more effectively, anticipating the needs and questions of readers.
Report Writing: the Reading-Writing Connection
As reports convey information and make recommendations, they need to have a strong sense of the reader. Effective report writers anticipate the needs of readers and design their reports to achieve communication on different levels.
When confronted with a report, readers rarely begin at line 1 and work through a text to the last line, digesting information as they go. Instead, they try to get a sense of a text as a whole, reading for the main points or 'gist'. They try to get a global impression before reading in detail.
In the workplace this rapid reading is often connected with deadlines or the need to summarise reports quickly for meetings.
What factors make this efficient communication possible?
* a summary at the start of a report gives the reader 'in a nutshell' the main points and visually stands apart from the main report itself
* section headings help to structure the report and indicate clearly what each section is about
* diagrams and other visual features communicate complex data quickly
* bullet points and other highlighting devices are used to identify key points and make them stand out from the rest of the text
* the purpose and scope of the report are clear from the introduction onwards
* a clear sense of the reader is maintained throughout the report
* paragraphs are clearly constructed and connected
* language is suited to the purpose and audience of the report
These factors - and more - help readers to get meaning from a report quickly and invite them to read in more detail. They are not just about words; they are also about visual design and layout of the text.
On the course we will look in detail at these 'reader-friendly' elements of reports and how writers can use them creatively to get their message across.
The Classic Report

The classic report in English has eleven sections. The order of sections will vary according to the type of report. Some reports, for example, are heavily driven by method and data presentation. Others are driven more by discussion and recommendations.
As we see in the first workshop, not every report will use all these sections. Moreover, good report writers will be wary of using these classic headings 'off the shelf'. Instead, they will adapt them to make a report more dynamic and focused and to respond to particular reporting needs.
However, these basic section headings are useful to bear in mind when planning any report, however long.

Reports come in all shapes and sizes and can emerge from many different situations. So no standard template can work every time. That is why some planning is usually needed to get a report started.
In the workshop we observe three examples of report writing situations, roughly corresponding to three types of reports:
i. Incident-based Reports
Reports which report an incident or event and do not go further than the facts
ii. Survey-based Reports
Reports which present and evaluate data or findings from research or investigation
iii. Strategy-based Reports
Reports which make recommendations for change
Many reports will, of course, combine two or even three types, especially survey and strategy.
Before writing any report, but especially one which presents a new situation for the writer, it is helpful to analyse the writing situation.
In the course book you will find (page 2) three sets of 'focus questions' which can help you to do this. The questions may not apply in every case, but they help to establish the report's:
* Orientation or 'Terms of Reference'
* Purpose(s) and Audience(s)
* Outcomes or 'Uptake'
A few minutes spent on this kind of planning can have benefits later in the drafting of report sections, headings and data. It makes the job of writing more efficient.
It can also help to identify areas where further research is needed or where consultation with colleagues is necessary. It can help to determine the type of report that is needed.
Tip: Another useful pre-writing activity is to do some 'get-it-in-one' planning. In order to focus on the essential matters of any report, fill in the following four blanks in one sentence:
'This report to (audience)................. about (topic).....................is to (purpose).....................so that (uptake)...........................'